Surrendering to Flow

It’s fun to “go with the flow” when life is smooth. But what happens when life brings in surprises that we don’t enjoy?

As much as I tried to be laid-back and the go-with-the-flow type, I have a strong type-A persona hidden inside of me. And it especially comes out when those life surprises appear out of nowhere. If it were up to me (and I’m sure you), I would control everything. 

The power of situations that bring up control issues is that they teach us how to master our ability to surrender, trust, and stay in the present moment. 

In reality, we can’t control anything. Even if we think we can. Even if we can come up with several examples of instances where we have. Did we even really gain anything from those examples of ‘successfully controlling’? Wasn’t there a sense of burn-out and feeling of never being good enough? 

When we’re able to surrender to the flow, we stop forcing stuff that might not be right for us in the first place. That partner or job may not be the right one for you right now. And that’s okay. Because when you stop forcing, you can start accepting. And when you start accepting, you open yourself up to possibilities you couldn’t have dreamed of. 

You also start to feel better. You don’t have to worry anymore! You don’t have to feel shitty about “not being somewhere better.” You can just be. Be where you are in joy. Appreciation starts to pop out as you start to see the beauty of life, right now. 

If you find yourself stepping into that type-A persona and your body starts to feel burdened with the task of forcing and striving, the best thing to do to embrace the flow: listen to your intuition. 

Because even if you can’t surrender in the moment, you can always listen to the part of you that is present and wise. And peaceful. 

As you start to listen to your inner guidance, you might be able to slowly release the grip the type-A persona has over you. Creating space between the real you and the anxious persona that is merely a character. 

As you start to let go of the need to control, you release the plan your mind has set for you that it thinks is right. And, open up to then trust that your intuition has a better plan and path for you. 


Not Feeling ‘Enough’


Staying Present Will Free You